KE Mission Statement:
KE is empowered with the vision to develop investment, services, products, and infrastructure projects in Hawaii that will provide value to the people of Hawaii and visitors, while still remaining dedicated to preserving and respecting the rich traditions and heritage of the Hawaiian people. KE is part of the Hawaiian communities in which it serves and it pursues every aspect of its business with a great sense of responsibility and duty to the people of Hawaii to bring them projects that will better serve all the people that make Hawaii a culturally diverse and enterprising place to live and work.
KE is passionate about bringing innovative business services and modern infrastructure to the people of Hawaii in order to make Hawaii a regional and global leader in the advancement and application of cutting edge business innovations and state of the art infrastructure projects that will usher Hawaii into a bright future, while always respecting the cultural influences of our past.
KE will utilize its vision to bring to the people of Hawaii and its visitors the level of modern conveniences and services that will make Hawaii a preeminent destination for people from around the globe. KE will bring this vision to fruition by attracting investment capital into Hawaii and using that capital to develop sophisticated and highly competitive aviation, industrial, tourism, and manufacturing segments of the economy that will benefit the people of Hawaii and visitors locally and bring the Spirit of Aloha globally.